Eargerly Anticipating the Coming Season

As I transition from one season to the next, I have noticed that there are those of us who anxiously push the envelope into the next season and then there are those who hang on till the very last breath, say wearing shorts in January with a foot of snow on the ground!  [What do you think, are they early for spring or late for summer???]

  Me, I am gardening fanatic and therefore a summer girl.

However if I were to pick a season that takes my breath away it would be spring!

Fresh-Blue-EggsI just love the way the leaves first appear like a chartreuse haze on the trees , followed by a majestic canopy of  flowers in the trees, quickly up-staged by the courage of the spring bulbs that push their little heads through the hard cold ground displaying a kind symphony before anyone can really even turn the soil of their gardens! I think my crazy affinity for spring may be due to the far too numerous long cold days and very cold long nights in the part of the country where I live. The short amount of daylight makes me long for the days when I can work in the garden till sunset, and bring to the table handfuls of fresh produce for the evening meal and afterwards retreat back outdoors and sit by the fire and listen to the night sounds!

[You can tell that is below zero here and I am daydreaming about spring!!!]


On another note, being in retail means you are always a season ahead so I can really start early displaying the seasons I love and let them linger well past their prime.

Paperwhites in Cracked Egg Ceramic Container

Today as the sun was brightly shining through the blinds I couldn’t help but put together a little spring vignette. We go to the spring buying show next week so these are what is left from last year’s flower shows! The little chicks are fake but those gorgeous blue eggs are what we are having for breakfast! Are you daydreaming of warmer days ahead too? I hope you enjoy your weekend. We still have lots of winter to go so…………. I will probably go snow-shoeing!!!!

Blessings, peg

Sharing Today at Beverly’s How Sweet the Sound, Pink Saturday and  Overflowing with Creativity

8 thoughts on “Eargerly Anticipating the Coming Season

  1. Great post – even without pinks! Blue eggs for breakfast – do they taste differently than white or brown eggs (of which I don’t know I know the taste of anyway since I buy grocery store eggs . . . in a blue carton.) I love your sentiments and how you expressed them. Enjoyed your post.
    Another WP blogger! Yeah!
    Happy Spring Pink Saturday! Jenn

  2. Hi Peg, Oh my goodness what an adorable spring vignette! Love the little chicks and the gorgeous baby blue colored eggs. I love the snow we had this week and I’m always dreaming of a white Christmas which I’ve never had so I love your cold winters! I have to say though I am a summer loving girl. Love the temps, long days and of course the flowers. I think I’m also one of those people who hang on to the old season while dreaming of the next one. Hope you had a lovely Pink Saturday…….

    The French Hutch

  3. I too am daydreaming about spring. We had a touch of warm weather last weekend and it was all over after that. Supposed to get down in the single digits tonight, so I know it will be awhile yet before the warm comes to stay. The only season I find I want to rush into is spring. The others I just take as they come.

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